WisAIR - WIS 40 - 75 / WIS 20 - 75 V
WisAIR - WIS 40 - 75 / WIS 20 - 75 V Oil-free Compressors Air Compressors Selangor, Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur (KL), Shah Alam Supplier, Suppliers, Supply, Supplies | CDA Engineering Sdn Bhd
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Oil Free Compressor WisAIR - WIS 40 - 75 / WIS 20 - 75 V

Industries such as pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, electronics and textiles cannot risk any chance of oil contamination in their processes. Therefore, it is essential that the compressed air is 100% oil-free. The standard is ISO 8573-1 (2010) certification, in which Class Zero represents the highest air purity. It is the only way to ensure oil-free air for your critical processes and with it peace of mind. Outstanding reliability, low maintenance and operating costs make oil-free compressors a sound investment.

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